Command/ bar

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There are several variants of underlining predefined.


\overbarfor a continuous rule above every line. Not be confused with \overbarin math mode mathovertextextensible
\underbarfor a continuous rule below every line. Not be confused with \underbarin math mode mathundertextextensible
\overstrikefor a continuous rule through every line.
\understrikebackground color behind the line, like with a marker pen
\overbarsfor a rule above every word.
\underbarsfor a rule under every word.
\overstrikesfor a continuous rule through every word.
\understrikesbackground color for every word.
\underrandomirregular (randomized) underlining.
\underrandomsirregular underlining for every word.
\underdashdashed underlining.
\underdashesdashed underlining for every word.
\underdotdotted underlining.
\underdotsdotted underlining for every word.

Settings instance




Default style and math

  • \underbar{This is an example. $c = \sqrt{a^2 + b^2}$}
    \underbar{\input ward}


  • internal error: convert failed

Nested bars

  • \setupbar[color=red]
    \underbar{A \underbar{B \underbar{Cc} b} a}
    \underbar{A \underdot{B \underdash{Cc} b} a}
    \underrandoms{A \overbar{B \underrandoms{Cc} b} a}


In MkIV only bars of the same kind are nestable (stacking), in LMTX also mixed.


Draw a rule through every line of the text.

  • \setuppapersize[A5]
    \overstrike{This is an example. $c = \sqrt{a^2 + b^2}$}
    \overstrike{\input ward}
  • internal error: convert failed

If you are using microtypography with \setupalign[hz,hanging], then with some fonts the rule may end up off-target, above the characters instead of through them. (The problem was experienced with Linux Libertine and mkiv, and not with Latin Modern.) The workarounds are:

  • Put the overstriked text in a \inframed[frame=off]{}. Example:
bla bla bla \inframed[frame=off]{\overstrike{striked}} bla bla
  • Turn off microtypography for the paragraph containing the overstrike. Example:
bla bla bla \overstrike{striked} bla bla

bla bla bla bla bla

Various parameters demo

  • \setuppapersize[A5]
    Hello \startbar[BarA]\input{knuth}\stopbar world!
    Hello \startbar[BarB]\input{knuth}\stopbar world!
    Hello \startbar[BarC]\input{knuth}\stopbar world!


Underbar for clozes

  • \definebar[ClozeBar][underbar][continue=yes, color=black, offset=-0.5]
    \starttexdefinition unexpanded Cloze #1
       \zwj\kern.2\scratchdimen #1 \kern.2\scratchdimen\zwj
    This is a \Cloze{\color[red]{cloze}} whose underbar is 1.4 times as wide as the text above it. \Cloze{The leading} and trailing spaces are never broken.



See also

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