Command/ bar
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There are several variants of underlining predefined.
\overbar | for a continuous rule above every line. Not be confused with \overbar in math mode mathovertextextensible |
\underbar | for a continuous rule below every line. Not be confused with \underbar in math mode mathundertextextensible |
\overstrike | for a continuous rule through every line. |
\understrike | background color behind the line, like with a marker pen |
\overbars | for a rule above every word. |
\underbars | for a rule under every word. |
\overstrikes | for a continuous rule through every word. |
\understrikes | background color for every word. |
\underrandom | irregular (randomized) underlining. |
\underrandoms | irregular underlining for every word. |
\underdash | dashed underlining. |
\underdashes | dashed underlining for every word. |
\underdot | dotted underlining. |
\underdots | dotted underlining for every word. |
\nobar | |
\hiddenbar |
Settings instance
Default style and math
\underbar{This is an example. $c = \sqrt{a^2 + b^2}$} \underbar{\input ward}
- internal error: convert failed
Nested bars
\setupbar[color=red] \underbar{A \underbar{B \underbar{Cc} b} a} \blank \underbar{A \underdot{B \underdash{Cc} b} a} \blank \underrandoms{A \overbar{B \underrandoms{Cc} b} a} \blank
In MkIV only bars of the same kind are nestable (stacking), in LMTX also mixed.
Draw a rule through every line of the text.
\setuppapersize[A5] \overstrike{This is an example. $c = \sqrt{a^2 + b^2}$} \overstrike{\input ward}
- internal error: convert failed
If you are using microtypography with \setupalign[hz,hanging]
, then with some fonts the rule may end up off-target, above the characters instead of through them. (The problem was experienced with Linux Libertine and mkiv, and not with Latin Modern.) The workarounds are:
- Put the overstriked text in a
. Example:
\setupalign[hanging,hz] bla bla bla \inframed[frame=off]{\overstrike{striked}} bla bla
- Turn off microtypography for the paragraph containing the overstrike. Example:
\setupalign[nothanging,nohz] bla bla bla \overstrike{striked} bla bla \setupalign[hanging,hz] bla bla bla bla bla
Various parameters demo
\setuppapersize[A5] \definebar[BarA][color=red,rulethickness=1.4] \BarA{BarA} \blank Hello \startbar[BarA]\input{knuth}\stopbar world! \blank \definebar[BarB][color=green,rulethickness=2.8,order=background] \BarB{BarB} \blank Hello \startbar[BarB]\input{knuth}\stopbar world! \blank \definebar[BarC][color=blue,rulethickness=2.8,order=background,offset=1.5,continue=yes] \BarC{BarC} \blank Hello \startbar[BarC]\input{knuth}\stopbar world! \blank
Underbar for clozes
\definebar[ClozeBar][underbar][continue=yes, color=black, offset=-0.5] \starttexdefinition unexpanded Cloze #1 \startbar[ClozeBar] \scratchdimen\widthofstring{#1}\relax \zwj\kern.2\scratchdimen #1 \kern.2\scratchdimen\zwj \stopbar \stoptexdefinition \startTEXpage This is a \Cloze{\color[red]{cloze}} whose underbar is 1.4 times as wide as the text above it. \Cloze{The leading} and trailing spaces are never broken. \stopTEXpage
See also
- \definebar
- \setupbar
- node-rul.mkiv
- rules-mkiv.pdf Everything about rules (lines)
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- \overbar on the mailing list (all results)
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- \overbar in ConTeXt's source
- \underbar on the mailing list (all results)
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- \overstrike on the mailing list (all results)
- \overstrike on the mailing list (subject only)
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- \overstrike in ConTeXt's source
- \understrike on the mailing list (all results)
- \understrike on the mailing list (subject only)
- \understrike on stack exchange
- \understrike in ConTeXt's source
- \overbars on the mailing list (all results)
- \overbars on the mailing list (subject only)
- \overbars on stack exchange
- \overbars in ConTeXt's source
- \underbars on the mailing list (all results)
- \underbars on the mailing list (subject only)
- \underbars on stack exchange
- \underbars in ConTeXt's source
- \overstrikes on the mailing list (all results)
- \overstrikes on the mailing list (subject only)
- \overstrikes on stack exchange
- \overstrikes in ConTeXt's source
- \understrikes on the mailing list (all results)
- \understrikes on the mailing list (subject only)
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- \understrikes in ConTeXt's source
- \underrandom on the mailing list (all results)
- \underrandom on the mailing list (subject only)
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- \underrandom in ConTeXt's source
- \underrandoms on the mailing list (all results)
- \underrandoms on the mailing list (subject only)
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- \underrandoms in ConTeXt's source
- \underdash on the mailing list (all results)
- \underdash on the mailing list (subject only)
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- \underdash in ConTeXt's source
- \underdashes on the mailing list (all results)
- \underdashes on the mailing list (subject only)
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- \underdashes in ConTeXt's source
- \underdot on the mailing list (all results)
- \underdot on the mailing list (subject only)
- \underdot on stack exchange
- \underdot in ConTeXt's source
- \underdots on the mailing list (all results)
- \underdots on the mailing list (subject only)
- \underdots on stack exchange
- \underdots in ConTeXt's source