Documentation/This Way - My Way

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A ThisWay is yet another attempt on documenting ConTeXt. They are also called magazines. The following magazines are available in the distribution:

Year Title
2003 Introduction : for what is ThisWay, how to write a MyWay
2003 Hiding parts of section titles
2003 Page Ranges : multi-page references
2003 Pasting digits together : formatting numbers
2003 2003 - Manipulating the foreground : combining PDF pages
2003 Mixed Normal and Bold Math : see also Bold Math
2004 A Few Dangerous Features : text effects, overprint/knockout colors
2004 Faking Text and More : how to make fake text of black or colored boxes
2004 Dealing with XML : typesetting XML documents using XSLT without TeX code
2005 Using Platform Fonts : Installing True Type fonts (Verdana used as an example)
2005 Good Looking Shapes : typesetting in shapes
2006 none
2007 MkIV Goes Beta : how to get ConTeXt MkIV beta up and running
2011 Project Structure : Project Structure, July 2011
2011 Annotated Verbatim
2011 Cross document referencing
2019 New interfacing in MetaFun, a preview
2020 Playing with boxes, a teaser

BTW: ThisWay are official Pragma documentation; if you write one yourself, call it My Way!

Nowadays articles are collected in documents of Development category.


A My Way article is user documentation focusing on one specific topic. Below is a list of current My Way articles. In case you want to write a My Way article yourself, there is a wiki page on How to make a MyWay.

Link Year Title Author(s)
File:GreekInContext.pdf 2005 Greek in Proper ConTeXt Thomas A. Schmitz
File:expertfonts.pdf 2005 Installing Expert Fonts: Minion Pro Idris Samawi Hamid
File:NaturalTables.pdf 2003 Use of the natural table environment Willi Egger
File:matharrows.pdf 2006 Extensible Arrows in ConTeXt Aditya Mahajan
File:context-latex-math.pdf 2006 Display Math in ConTeXt -ConTeXt rehab for amsmath addicts Aditya Mahajan
File:csv.pdf 2006 Creating Tables using CSV (Comma Separated Values). See also M-database Mojca Miklavec
File:sometxt.pdf 2007 \sometxt, some nice techniques for placing text labels on graphics Mojca Miklavec
File:xhtml.pdf 2010 Getting Web Content and pdf-Output from One Source Thomas A. Schmitz.
File:Mathalign.pdf 2010 Using \startalign and friends in math Aditya Mahajan
File:mathalign.pdf 2006 Using \startalign and friends in math Aditya Mahajan