Command/ attachment
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The instances of \attachment are used for inclusion of attachment files into the PDF output.
\attachment |
Settings instance
Additional documentation can be found in the "Interaction" manual.
Use of attachment with customized symbol (the file "myattachment.txt" should exists, that why the demo here does not show attachment...)
\setuppapersize[A6,landscape] %------------------------------------------------------------------------------ \setupinteraction[state=start] % #0 - Activate interaction %------------------------------------------------------------------------------ \startuseMPgraphic{myattachmentsymbol} % #1 - Draw a symbol, here a paperclip! path pa; numeric u; u=1mm; numeric Ra; Ra=u/2; numeric Rb; Rb=1.5Ra; numeric Rc; Rc=1.35Rb; numeric La; La=3.5u; numeric Lb; Lb=-La/10; numeric Lc; Lc=1.2*La; pair a[]; a0=(0,0); a1=(La,0); a2=(La+Ra,-Ra); a3=(La,-2Ra); a4=(Lb,-2Ra); a5=(Lb-Rb,-2Ra+Rb); a6=(Lb,-2Ra+2Rb); a7=(Lc,-2Ra+2Rb); a8=(Lc+Rc,-2Ra+2Rb-Rc); a9=(Lc,-2Ra+2Rb-2Rc); a10=(1u,-2Ra+2Rb-2Rc); pa := (a0--a1..a2..a3--a4..a5..a6--a7..a8..a9--a10) rotated 45; path pb; pb := fullcircle scaled (2.2*(Lc-Lb-Rb)) shifted (center(pa)) ; fill pb withcolor 0.5white; pickup pencircle scaled (1.5*(Rb-Ra)) ; draw pa withcolor white; \stopuseMPgraphic %------------------------------------------------------------------------------ \definesymbol % #2 - Define the drawing as a symbol [myattachmentsym] [\useMPgraphic{myattachmentsymbol}] %------------------------------------------------------------------------------ \setupattachments % #3 - Use the symbol for attachment [symbol=myattachmentsym] %------------------------------------------------------------------------------ \starttext % #4 - Use it Text before \attachment [file={myattachment.txt}, title={attachment title}, location=rightmargin] and after. \stoptext